
In a thoughtful mood today as I’m a year older!

I thought I’d share some of the random thoughts about this last year.

Mostly it’s been great, but breaks my heart all the suffering going on when we live such a care-free life. My heart goes out to London and Manchester. ❤

We have loved being in Cornwall the last 20 months and I don’t think that’ll ever get old! I mean, just look at it!

We’ve also paid off our last 2 things on our credit files and our finances are continuously improving!

We have settled into the most amazing church, with awesome worship, preaching and so many ways to serve! Love the community and have made some really strong friendships already.

My health has improved greatly: Eating more healthily (thank you Daniel Plan !) definitely fitter from walking this glorious coast and the recent addition of Aqua-fit classes to my routine. My teeth and skin are better too 🙂

Not everyone I know has had such a good year health-wise and I pray this year will be better for them!

I haven’t lost the amount of weight I wanted to, but it’s going in the right direction and I’ll continue to work on it this coming year.

Finally, I have started this blog! I am loving it more than I ever thought possible! I am so grateful for the love and support and I really hope it’s helped and informed you. Thanks x

What are your plans and projects for the rest of the year? I’d love to know and support you all.

God bless,

Anna x

2 thoughts on “Reflections…..

  1. Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday dear Anna…..
    Happy Birthday to you!

    Now can I have some of that caterpillar cake? 😀

    I love what you’ve achieved and think you’re amazing. You’ve juggled life in the right way and the choices you’ve made have given you that much needed peace and contentment in your life. S’Wonderful!

    As for me … I haven’t really made any plans or planned any projects. When Mr.Cobs took early retirment from his job, and we moved to Dorset, everything became slower. More relaxed. And we found that we didn’t need to have a plan anymore. We just needed to breathe, trust, let go, and see what happened.

    We make our choices in the here and now, and not wait till next week. If we suddenly decide to go out somewhere, then we do it.

    But … if you have younger children in your life you do have to have a plan. Planning is essential in order to keep children occupied, experiencing things and learning about the world. (and to keep moms and dads from going stir crazy! lol)

    Thankfully our two girls are now grown up and with families of their own, so our choice are now purely for us. The freedom is wonderful.

    GREAT post Anna.
    Really enjoyed the read.
    Sending squidges from me in my corner to you in yours. ~ Cobs. x


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